Function and Meanings of Music in Editing
-Music magazines use editing that is quick and in sync with the beat of the music.
- There is a rhythmic basis closely connected to the song.
- Editing: Edits in the music video come more frequently than it would in a film.
-Music film editing bears a far greater responsibility for many elements than does classic Hollywood film editing.
-The quick edits can sometimes be used to build up a montage and often tells the story of the video (progress the narrative).
-Balanced: The editing in music videos work hard to ensure that no single element (the narrative, the setting, the star, the lyrics, the song) gain the upper hand.
-When I come to make my music video I must ensure I have an even balance between images and the song itself.
- The video should not distract from the song but must also grab the audience’s attention, which is a tricky thing to do.
-Graphic Match: When editing sequences connect objects through colour and shape, this will create fluency in the video.
Some rules I need to consider when producing my music video:
- Using a series of editing where different people/ objects are doing the same thing. For example I could have a close up on some feet- and then a cut to someone’s feet running.
- 180-degree rule- ensures that I do not confuse the audience or disorientate them when watching. The audience should maintain the same position between edits in terms of orientation.
- 30-degree rule- when you break the 30 degree rule it is called a jump cut- a sharp awkward edit that looks clumsy. Jump cut draws attention from the audience to the techniques that are being used.
- To avoid this the camera should move 30 degrees between edits.
good research